Chuck it, Let’s do it!
Sunday, Mar 22, 2015 | 2 minute read | Updated at Sunday, Mar 22, 2015

What we see as the limits of the world might not be the actual limits. This note is penned down version of the chatter in my head.
The first thing I realized after landing on the spongy bed was -
It’s usually we who stand in our own way!
Winning is more a matter of choice and will than practice, training and genius. You either choose to win or the devil’s advocate in you convinces you to give up.
I have no clue, even today what had made me sign up for the High Jump. Sure I was called the monkey by my mates usually, but jumping 5ft is not my cup of tea. Truth be told, when I looked at the beam (which I was supposed to jump over) placed 3.5ft high, I was wondering how can anyone jump over it. It was paralyzing me mentally. I was convinced that it was hard, it was impossible. Except something inside me said,” It’s ok to screw up. Go jump!” I took a step back, ran, gathered the momentum and with all my might launched into the air. Over the next fraction of a second, I was on the other side of the beam. I had made it. I had done what a while ago seemed impossible. I ended up jumping as high as 4 point something feet.
Amazing things happened when I was in mid-air. While in flight. I had surrendered myself. My mind had stopped talking. I couldn’t hear anything. The world around had paused. Eyes were open yet I could see nothing. I had surrendered myself to whatever would happen. Covered with a sense of peace, contentment and stillness. A state, we all in the modern world crave for. I never knew that side of me existed.
One thing is clear though, I don’t know what brings happiness but contentment comes with Micro-Achievements. Daily small wins!